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Monday, May 18, 2015

Daily Devotion: Who Will Go?

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Go Ye Therefore

“Sit down, young man, if God wants to save the hea­then in India he will do it with­out your help or mine.” This was the rebuke William Carey received when want­ing to Evan­ge­lize India.

William Carey didn’t let this dampen his pas­sion to ful­fill the great com­mis­sion of Jesus. In fact, it wasn’t until after seven years that his Gospel mes­sage was finally received and he won his first con­vert in India. He pressed on!

As you con­tinue to spend time in God’s pres­ence and in His Word; becom­ing inti­mately acquainted with the Sav­ior, the more pas­sion­ate you are to intro­duce Him to others.

Obsta­cles are inevitable when it comes to expand­ing the King­dom of God and tak­ing souls from the hands of the enemy. Don’t be alarmed. Many times the enemy will use our own com­pla­cency against us or those clos­est to us to dis­cour­age us. Don’t let him do it!

You are God’s Ambas­sador with the Liv­ing, two-edged sword in your mouth and the power of the Holy Spirit who rests, rules and abides in you. Be bold in your Faith!

We need tens of thou­sands more mis­sion­ar­ies, short-term and long-term to flood the nations of the world with the Gospel. Peo­ple who will fol­low the voice of the Lord and who are not afraid to step out.

I’m per­son­ally believ­ing that as I step out in faith for what He has called me to do, He will pro­vide what I need, the hearts to be spo­ken into, the plat­form to min­is­ter from and souls for the Kingdom!

“God’s work, done in God’s ways, will never lack God’s sup­plies.” ~Hud­son Taylor

As I read about the work of William Carey in India and Hud­son Tay­lor in China, I am moved at the incred­i­ble urgency I feel for the Gospel to be preached; for God’s love to be dis­played in me.

There are mil­lions who are uncer­tain of who God is. Sure, many pro­fess to seek His bless­ing on their lives, but they have no clue who the only true God, who the God of the Bible is.

We must not say a prayer and go our merry lit­tle way! We must tell them of God’s love for them through Jesus.

I under­stand we can’t make any­one believe, only the Holy Spirit can reveal such things to a per­son, but God has com­manded that we speak, tell them, show them, teach them and preach to them Jesus, their liv­ing hope.

Gone are the days of wait­ing for some­one else to step up and do what God has called us to do! We must work while it is day, the night is com­ing! Time is wind­ing up!

For God is not will­ing that any should per­ish! (John 3:16)

Romans 10:13–15
13 For “Every­one who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

14 But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless some­one tells them? 15 And how will any­one go and tell them with­out being sent?

Men are God’s method. The Church is look­ing for bet­ter meth­ods; God is look­ing for bet­ter men… ~E.M. Bounds

We must do all we can to send, sup­port, sus­tain and go. We can’t sub­sti­tute com­pas­sion for action.

Who will go?

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